
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Qualities Of A Great Product Manager | Tanner Flake

This article is about what makes a product manager great. As a product manager with over 8 years of experience, I have noticed the following. In detail, let's examine each area. An understanding of the customer An effective PM is relentless in advocating for customers during product development. This topic is the PM's expertise from the perspective of the rest of the development team. The marketer must understand the target customer well to develop an effective marketing strategy. Experiences for users User experience experts are not necessary, but the PM should at least approve the user experience. Because the UX determines how the customer interacts with the product, it is the most important part. Despite brilliant technology, if the user experience is out of sync with the customer, the product will not be purchased. Using technology Your goal here is to become credible during conversations with your product development team. In addition, since the development tea